Gaming News

Ubisoft Explains Why Division 2 Doesn’t Have Raid Matchmaking

Ubisoft recently launched The Division 2’s first raid, Operation Dark Hours, but at the same time announced that it won’t use the game’s matchmaking feature. This upset some players, and now the studio is working to explain its decision.

During a video stream, Ubisoft explained why it hadn’t used matchmaking for this raid, and said that it is still working on a solution–though it didn’t go into detail about what exactly it is. Asked if there will eventually be a way for players who don’t want to find a group outside the game to participate in the raid, associate creative director Chadi El Zibaoiui said “yes, we are working on it,” but then pivoted to explaining the decision not to use a traditional matchmaking feature.

“You need to be sure that the team you are going to work with has microphones, speaks the same language, has the proper gear to support the team,” he said. “It’s not about a simple matchmaking as we do for the missions. A mission or any other content, you can eventually do with randoms, and you will manage to beat that content.”

Previously in a statement, Ubisoft explained the communication required for a successful raid led to the decision. It also stressed that it was still working out a solution, and that there was no way for the company to simply “turn on” 8-player matchmaking. While Ubisoft stressed that all of the launch content had matchmaking as promised, some players have complained of feeling misled by the distinction.

Whichever squad does finish the new raid first will earn a special reward. In its recent financial earnings, Ubisoft stated that The Division 2 failed to meet its sales expectations on consoles.

from GameSpot – Game News

Fortnite Week 2 Guide: Where To Visit Oversized Phone, Big Piano, And Dancing Fish Trophy (Season 9)

Season 9 of Fortnite rolls on with a new set of challenges to complete across PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. Most of Week 2’s challenges are fairly straightforward and should be easy enough to clear with a little persistence, but one that you may have trouble with–especially if you aren’t very familiar with Fortnite’s island–is to visit an oversized phone, big piano, and a dancing fish trophy. If none of that made sense to you, don’t worry, we’re here to show you exactly where you need to go.

As the challenge name says, all you need to do to complete this mission is to visit the three aforementioned landmarks. The tricky part is actually finding them, but to make this easier, we’ve marked their locations on the map below. There are two oversized phones around the island, either of which will suffice to complete the first step of the challenge: one in the forest to the east of The Block, and the other on the edge of the snow biome west of Fatal Fields.

The big piano–which is more accurately a big keyboard, but that’s neither here nor there–can be found east of Lonely Lodge. Once you’ve visited those two landmarks, all that’s left is the dancing fish trophy; that’s located just southwest of the new Mega Mall area. Stop by all three objects and you’ll net five Battle Stars for your troubles. If you still need more help finding them, we walk you through the whole challenge in the video at the top of this guide.

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Oversized Phone, Big Piano, and Dancing Fish Trophy Locations

  • Oversized Phone 1 — East of The Block
  • Oversized Phone 2 — West of Fatal Fields
  • Big Piano — East of Lonely Lodge
  • Dancing Fish Trophy — Southwest of Mega Mall

On top of the standard weekly challenges, Epic has kicked off a special John Wick crossover event in Fortnite this week in honor of the movie’s premiere in the US. Not only are there John Wick-themed cosmetics to buy from the Fortnite store, there’s a new Wick’s Bounty limited-time mode, which comes with its own challenges to complete and rewards to unlock. These won’t be around for long, however, so if you’re hoping to snag them, you’ll need to act quickly.

Fortnite’s Week 2 challenges arrive hot on the heels of the game’s 9.01 update, which added a new weapon to the game: the tactical assault rifle, a fully automatic gun with a 30-round magazine. To make room for it, however, Epic has vaulted the combat SMG. You can see everything else that’s new in the full patch notes on Epic’s website. And if you need help completing any other challenges, you can find tips in our full Season 9 challenges guide.

from GameSpot – Game News

The Latest Free Game From The Epic Store Is Available Now

The Epic Games Store launched its first storewide sale today, and to mark the occasion, Epic is converting its biweekly game giveaways to weekly now through June 13, the duration of the Mega Sale. Starting today, Stories Untold is the newest free game you can claim from the Epic Store, and while you’ll still have two weeks to claim it as usual, another freebie will be available starting next Thursday, May 30. To claim Epic’s game giveaways, all you need is a free Epic account.

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Stories Untold is a genre-mixing anthology of four stories that bring in elements of psychological horror, sci-fi, suspense, and 80s retro nostalgia set to a synthwave soundtrack. Released in 2017, the game incorporates classic text adventure, point-and-click puzzle-solving, and other types of gameplay in each episode, which come together in a mysterious, yet cohesive package. Its unsettling commentary on technology is very Black Mirror-esque, if you’re into that type of thing.

“This is a unique package with a strong sense of identity, one that finds a new, exciting way to weaponize nostalgia,” wrote critic James O’Connor in GameSpot’s Stories Untold review. “Just know that you might not look at the old Spectrum or Commodore 64 you’ve got packed away in the attic quite the same way again after playing.”

Rime, a puzzle-adventure set on a mysterious island, is the next free game on Epic’s docket and will become available to download and keep starting next Thursday, May 23. In the meantime, be sure to check out the rest of the deals going on in the Epic Store right now. Not only are many PC games discounted, but Epic is also offering an additional $10 off any game over $15, including pre-orders on games like Borderlands 3. If you’ve purchased from the Epic Store in the past two weeks, you’ll receive a refund for the difference between what you paid and the sale price, and if you’ve pre-ordered a game from them over $15, you’ll be refunded $10 sometime in the next two weeks.

from GameSpot – Game News

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