Gaming News

Red Dead Redemption 2’s PC Framerate Is Causing Unexpected Issues

Since Red Dead Redemption 2‘s release on PC a few weeks ago, Rockstar has been working diligently to improve upon the game’s performance and stability, especially when it comes to a stuttering issue affecting certain Nvidia GPUs and four- and six-core CPUs. Those who have managed to get it running smoothly have noticed another problem, however: the passage of time is seemingly tied to your framerate.

Those who played Dark Souls 2 on PC may be familiar with this specific bug. From Software’s PC port ran at 60fps compared to the console version’s 30fps, which caused weapon durability to degrade twice as fast. Red Dead Redemption 2 stumbles into a similar problem if you’re running the PC version at a higher framerate than the console version allowed.

Reddit user Jimmyoneshot discovered the link, and other players have expressed how the passage of time appears to differ depending on your framerate. Some players have noticed that the day/night cycle progresses much faster on PC, with the time of day changing multiple times on long journeys. Others have also noted how weather conditions like rain and lightning will come and go in the blink of an eye.

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This becomes a significant issue when you factor in Arthur Morgan’s cores. Red Dead Redemption 2 keeps track of its protagonist’s health and fitness as represented by the three cores of health, stamina, and Dead Eye. Eating too much without exercise will make Arthur gain weight and increase his stamina consumption, whereas he’ll become gaunt if you don’t eat enough, which negatively affects his health regeneration. Players started to notice that each core seems to drain much faster on PC, so Jimmyoneshot decided to perform a few tests.

They created two saves at the beginning of chapter two, locking the framerate to 30fps in one save and leaving the other with their usual 100-130fps settings. They then played a full in-game day, completing the same story missions while eating four steaks at the same point during the day on both. When playing at a higher framerate, Arthur lost 0.75 of his weight by the next day, compared to the 1.5 he gained when locked at 30fps.

Losing weight four times as fast as usual isn’t an ideal situation, but the bug’s recent exposure should hopefully lead to an imminent fix on Rockstar’s part.

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Fortnite Now Features Star Wars Imperial Stormtrooper Costumes For A Limited Time

Fortnite now has Star Wars Imperial Stormtrooper skins, just in time for the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. You can deck yourself out in the classic suit, first seen in 1977’s Star Wars: A New Hope, by grabbing the skin from the in-game store for 1500 V-Bucks. As you can see in the trailer below, it’s a pretty faithful recreation of the cinematic suit.

You’ll want to hurry, as the suit is only available for a limited time–it’ll disappear on November 17 at 7 PM ET, so you really don’t have long to grab it. Alternatively, you can get the suit for free by buying Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order from the Epic Games Store. Jedi Order is also available on Steam, but the deal is not available there (and the deal is, unfortunately, unlikely to be altered further.)

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order released today, and received an 8/10 in our review. Our critic Phil Hornshaw called the game “perhaps the strongest conception of what playing as a Jedi Knight ought to really be like.” While the Stormtroopers in the original trilogy has infamously poor aim, this suit won’t impede your ability to take down your enemies at all. While you’re trying out your new skin you might want to give some of the new challenges a go, so be sure to check out our Fortnite challenge guide.

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Review Roundup: What Do The Critics Think?

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is just the third Star Wars title of this console generation–it follows the first and second Battlefront games for PS4, Xbox One and PC, the same systems that Fallen Order is available on. The game, made by Titanfall and Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment, puts you in the Force-sensitive boots of Jedi warrior Cal Kestis and sends you out into a post-Revenge of the Sith version of the Star Wars universe.

Reviews have gone up alongside the release of the game, including our own 8/10 take. “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the latest game in the canon, is one of the better offerings specifically because it tries to look beyond the trappings of Star Wars,” our critic Phil Hornshaw says. “It’s not just another Jedi power fantasy, although wielding the Force with skill and resolve will certainly make you feel powerful. Like the best Star Wars games, it’s one that adds to the ideas of the films and other material, exploring new corners of the galaxy while focusing on the core themes of the franchise: knowing yourself, fighting your own darkness, and braving adversity with the help of friends.”

Other reviews have also mostly been positive so far, with most outlets praising this as a return to form for Star Wars, which hasn’t received a substantial single-player game in some time. There’s also some consensus, though, that the game can feel a bit rough or become frustrating in some sections.

We’ve rounded up a few of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s reviews below. For more, be sure to check out GameSpot’s sister site Metacritic for a look at what even more critics made of the game.

  • Game: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
  • Developer: Respawn Entertainment
  • Release date: November 15
  • Price: $60 / £50 / $68 AUD

GameSpot – 8/10

“But especially as it wears on, Fallen Order becomes perhaps the strongest conception of what playing as a Jedi Knight ought to really be like. It’s true that Fallen Order borrows liberally from other action games, but those elements work together with Respawn’s combat and environment design, and a story that finds humanity in the Force and in its characters, to hone in on what makes the world of Star Wars worthy of revisiting again and again. Even with some rough edges, Fallen Order represents one of the most compelling game additions to the Star Wars franchise in years.” – Phil Hornshaw [Full Review]

IGN – 9/10

“It’s been ages since we got a great single-player Star Wars action game, but Jedi: Fallen Order makes up for a lot of lost time. A strong cast sells a dark story while keeping things fun and loyal to Star Wars lore, and fast, challenging combat mixes with energetic platforming, decent puzzles, and diverse locations to explore for an all-around amazing game.” – Brian Shea [Full Review]

Game Informer – 8.75/10

“Despite these numerous little problems, Respawn’s maiden voyage with Star Wars is largely a success. I couldn’t put this game down, both for the thrill of exploring and wanting to see where the story took me next. The inspirations taken from Dark Souls, Uncharted, and Metroid Prime unite to create something unique that just happens to work incredibly well for this beloved license. Like most starships in this universe, Jedi: Fallen Order could use a little polish, but the rust doesn’t hold it back from roaring with excitement.” – Andrew Reiner [Full Review]

Gamesradar+ – 4/5

“There’s plenty to like about Fallen Order, but it should come with the caveat that it’s slightly rougher than I was expecting. I’ve played the entire game on PS4 Pro and glitches and framerate stuttering have cropped up enough to warrant mentioning. One patch has already been released before launch, and EA has told us that another is on the way, but it did give my initial playthrough a rougher-than-ideal feel.” – Ben Tyrer [Full Review]

USGamer – 3.5/5

“Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order comes painfully close to being the best action game of the year, but it ultimately falls short due to pacing problems and a host of technical issues. Still, this is the first step into a larger world for a franchise that has persistently struggled since its acquisition by EA.” – Kat Bailey [Full Review]

Eurogamer – No Score

“I’ll admit crunching a Souls-like in less than four days is an unnatural and grueling experience: I imagine if I’d played Fallen Order over several months, I would have been less frustrated, but probably still bored. It’s such a shame, as Fallen Order has an incredible gameplay experience at its core, with fantastic environments and well-directed action sequences. Yet it’s unable to sustain this thanks to some fundamental design problems.” – Emma Kent [Full Review]

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