Borderlands 3 Brings Back Handsome Jack–Sort Of

Spoilers for Borderlands 2 follow.

Handsome Jack is one of the most acclaimed and beloved villains around, and his debut in Borderlands 2 cemented his place in fans’ minds even before he came back for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

However, Jack dies in Borderlands 2, and while he is seen in Tales from the Borderlands, it’s in hologram form. Now, Borderlands 3 developer Gearbox says Handsome Jack will return in the upcoming threequel, in some capacity.

“Handsome Jack is dead,” confirmed the studio’s narrative managing producer, Randy Varnell, in an interview with GameSpot. “He’s such a big character in our universe though. There’s always going to be some stuff–there may be a side mission or something and then we mention him a few times. It’s so hard to get away from that impact. But you’re not ever going to see Handsome Jack come back as a character.

“But it was a hard decision. Because he’s such a great villain. But when we were looking at coming up with new villains for Borderlands 3… we’ve got a lot of Jack–if you like Handsome Jack, you’re in luck because there’s a lot of existing content where you can play and enjoy him. He’s too important to the universe to never mention him again. But we wanted to be sure that the Calypso twins, the new villains, can stand on their own.”

The upcoming shooter includes plenty of new characters, so take a look at everything we know about Borderlands 3’s four new vault hunters. The game is coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 13.

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Borderlands 3’s Villains Are “Really, Really Annoying” Streamers

Borderlands 3 might be bringing back Handsome Jack in some way, but he’s not the game’s main villain. That title belongs to a duo named the Calypso twins, who developer Gearbox says are based on “really, really annoying” streamers.

In an interview with GameSpot, the studio’s narrative managing producer, Randy Varnell, explained more about the evil pair: “We all know those streamers who are really, really annoying and think very, very highly of themselves–and we just took that to the next level. Imagine if they became malicious, evil people who suddenly wanted to take all the bandits and turned them into their own personality–[what if] they militarized their following?

“We stylized [the Calypso Twins] like Handsome Jack. At the time Handsome Jack came out, memes were just starting to get popular and Handsome Jack [embodied] that. Now, looking at the culture–how we play and consume and enjoy games together with social media and streaming–we wanted villains and topics that were a little bit more relevant to this release. So [the twins] definitely delve into that.”

The upcoming shooter includes plenty of new characters, so take a look at everything we know about Borderlands 3’s four new vault hunters. The game is coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 13. You can also check out Borderlands 3’s first trailer and everything else we know.

from GameSpot – Game News

Borderlands 3: Sirens Are “Very Important” In The Game

Somewhere between the sassy robots and trillions of guns, Borderlands has built a respectably complex world. A big part of that are the Sirens, super-powered women given mysterious tattoos and powers. Gearbox’s narrative managing producer Randy Varnell promises they’ll play a major role in Borderlands 3 as well.

“The Sirens are a very, very important theme of this game,” Varnell told GameSpot. “You’ve got Lilith, you’ve seen Maya returning, and we know Amara, the brand new playable Siren, is there. The villain of Borderlands [Commandant Steele] is dead. She’s dead dead. She’s gone. Angel is dead dead. She’s gone. There’s three more [Sirens] unaccounted for.”

In Borderlands lore, only six Sirens can exist in the universe at any given time. Between Lilith, Maya, and Amara–all playable characters in the main games–we know about three of them. Steele and Angel took two of the additional spots, but Varnell’s comments suggest that when one Siren dies, another appears somewhere in the universe. That would mean there are two more relatively new Sirens, and one remaining that may have been a Siren for quite a while now.

“I would just say for all the fans out there: we are absolutely sticking to that canonical lore,” Varnell continued. “There are only six Sirens in the universe at any one time. And in this game, we’ll delve a little bit more into how all that happens and what’s going on, and we’ll ask some interesting questions. I don’t want to spoil anything because there’s so much fun to be had there.”

Borderlands 3 releases on September 13 for PC via the Epic Store, PS4, and Xbox One. If you’re still on the fence about who you might want to claim as your class, read up on all we know about the four playable characters. Check out our pre-order guide for more details.

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You Can Totally Solo Borderlands 3, And It’s Pretty Great

Every one of the mainline Borderlands games can be played solo or with a team, but Borderlands 3 is the first to actually make the former playstyle worthwhile. The newest entry to the Borderlands franchise gives you more agency over how your Vault Hunter evolves than ever before, allowing you to better construct a character for a solo run through the campaign.

Like in Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, each playable Vault Hunter in Borderlands 3 has three skill trees, each of which contains distinct abilities and perks. That’s really where the similarities end, though. In the first three games, every Vault Hunter unlocked a unique ability first, and then all three skill trees built upon this ability. In Borderlands 2, for example, Maya the Siren unlocks Phase Lock which allows her to trap an enemy in place for several seconds. This skill can be used for defensive crowd control by unlocking her Motion skill tree, supportive healing by going for her Harmony tree, or offensive elemental damage with her Cataclysm tree.

Despite these three differences, though, it doesn’t fundamentally change how Maya plays. Because she always has to unlock Phase Lock first, and since all her skills build on this one ability, Maya is mostly a support character. Her Phase Lock can be used as a powerful damage dealer, but it doesn’t change that Maya’s purpose on the battlefield is to always disrupt the movements of the most powerful enemy so that she and her teammates can focus on the small fry or more easily pool their resources into taking down one central threat. Mordecai, Zer0, Lilith, and all the other Vault Hunters from every Borderlands game we’ve gotten so far fall into this same trap. With all of their trees focused on one particular ability, they all end up in one class and always carry the strengths and weaknesses that such a class entails. This is great for when you’re playing as part of a team where everyone needs a role and squadmates can account for any weaknesses you might have, but it also makes certain Vault Hunters much harder to play with if you’re going it alone.

Borderlands 3 abandons this format, and it’s for the better. Instead of having one unique ability that all three skill trees build upon, Borderlands 3’s Vault Hunters have three distinct abilities–one for each of their three trees–and then one unique trait that separates them from the other characters. So the three skill trees of each Vault Hunter in Borderlands 3 are built around different abilities, allowing each one to have three distinct playstyles.

“I’m really proud [of] the four [Vault Hunters’] trees–the way you configure them and what you do–are very, very different than what we were able to do in Borderlands 2, which was even a big leap on what we did in Borderlands 1,” Gearbox managing producer of narrative Randy Varnell said. “[Before] it was mostly one action skill with just some numerical changes.”

Amara, the playable Siren in Borderlands 3, for example, can unlock Phasegrasp as her action skill in the Fist of the Elemental skill tree, which allows her to lock enemies in place like Borderlands 2’s Maya. The tree is also filled with many of the supportive powers that Maya has. However, Amara can unlock Phaseslam in her Brawler skill tree if you prefer, which sends her careening down on enemies with deadly force and leads her down a path of close-quarters combat. Finally, Amara can unlock Phasecast in her Mystical Assassin skill tree, which transforms her into a long-range fighter that can fire immense elemental blasts from a distance.

Because each of Borderlands 3’s Vault Hunter’s skill trees are so distinct, it’s actually beneficial to unlock passive abilities in each one. Borderlands 3 allows you to create custom loadouts and switch between which active skill you have equipped on the fly. So if you’re playing with Amara and you have Phasegrasp equipped, but you’re about to enter an enclosed enemy base, you can switch over to Phaseslam if you have both skills unlocked. Having multiple active skills unlocked also motivates you to earn the abilities in their respective trees, which encourages you to create your very own Vault Hunter. For example, you might want the destructive powers of Amara’s Phasecast, but you don’t want to be a glass cannon so you can unlock some of the supportive and close-combat passives in her other two trees. And since you can create your Vault Hunter to fill whatever role you want, choosing a character does not lock you into one specific playstyle, which in turn makes it much easier to play by yourself if you want to.

“[Skill trees are] a little bit more tweaky than Borderlands 2 wise–you can do more with it,” Varnell said. “I would say that Amara is a great example of the fairly straight forward, I mean she’s a Siren. She likes to get close to the fight… So she’s a really great one to start with.”

Which isn’t to say that your choice of Vault Hunter is arbitrary. Far from it. Each characters’ unique trait means you get very different experiences with each one. “If you look at Amara, Amara has an extra skill for her elements,” Borderlands 3 game director Paul Sage said. “And so [with her] you can decide what elements are going to be modified. So each character kind of has that, that very special, unique thing. So Amara has her action skills she can equip, she has augments she can put in them, and then she has an elemental change she [can apply]. But, [the others] like Zane are very different.

“For Zane, you can [equip] a second action skill but you actually give up your grenade to do that,” Varnell said. “So you have to think about how your action skills can work together and how you augment them and how you spec them out and really to get the most of that if you’re going to give up grenade play. What we found in our playtesting is that Zane really, really, really appeals to the min-max type of people who want to get that advanced game play…. [He’s] really a numbers play at the end while Amara, she’s just about energy and fun.”

When I was playing with Zane, for example, I equipped both his Digi-Clone (a holographic decoy that shoots enemies and that Zane can switch places with) and SNTNL (an automated drone that tracks down and kills enemies) to make a character that survived by constantly teleporting around the battlefield and bamboozling his targets by hitting them from multiple directions at once.

“I think we’re gonna see a lot of cool builds and build comparisons and play styles,” Varnell continued. “I think [Borderlands 3] is the coolest Borderlands we’ve done so far in regards to what you can do with the build and what you can do to find a different type of play style. And once you start interweaving that with co-op play, it gets crazy.”

Once you do decide to pick up co-op play, Borderlands 3 doesn’t punish you and your friends for being vastly different levels like previous Borderlands games do. Both enemies and loot scale when you are playing in a party, so you no longer have to wait for your friends to catch up to your level or grind to keep up with them. You’ll each find loot appropriate to your respective levels and both damage received and dealt will scale. High-level players don’t dominate and low-level players don’t get squashed.

All in all, from what we’ve seen, Borderlands 3 feels like the first in its franchise to truly give solo players a chance at enjoying the game how they want to and at whatever pace they desire. You’re not punished for playing by yourself and possibly out-leveling your friends, and you have greater control over how your chosen Vault Hunter’s abilities evolve. We still have to wait and see the skill trees for Moze the Gunner and FL4K the Beastmaster before signing off on all of Borderlands 3’s Vault Hunters, but the first two have already confirmed that Gearbox’s upcoming game changes the series’ skill tree feature for the better.

Borderlands 3 is scheduled to release for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on September 13.

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Borderlands 3’s Story Didn’t Always Start On Pandora

Gearbox has shared a ton of new details about Borderlands 3 in its big gameplay reveal event. One of the things we already knew about the game is that its story begins on Pandora, the planet that has served as the setting for all of the previous Borderlands titles, but it turns out that wasn’t always the case.

Gearbox managing producer of narrative Randy Varnell revealed to GameSpot that Borderlands 3 was initially set on a different planet. “In fact, the very, very early versions of the story did not start on Pandora. Initially, we started right in [Promethea] because, like, we’re going to other planets!” Varnell said. “We want to shock people. But in our early testing, what we found out was that it really was too much of a ‘I don’t know where I am,’ ‘I don’t know how to feel about this,’ ‘It doesn’t feel like Borderlands,’ ‘Stranger danger!’ You know, all that.

“And so we went back and looked at it and said, you know what, the Calypso Twins have unified the bandit clans and created a Pandora state. Starting there and just starting on Pandora and with Claptrap, there’s something about that comfortable familiarity there that I think is really important in creating a franchise moment for [the game]. So we let you earn your shift off of Pandora and get to the other places. And so far it seems that experience has been very, very positive for our first play testers and focus groups. We definitely wanted to get, we wanted to get to the new brand new stuff sooner, but we found out that starting with a little familiarity and having you be the one that gets to play your way to the ship and have that take off moment [is] very special.”

As for how many different planets players will be able to go to in Borderlands 3, Gearbox isn’t ready to say just yet. “Uh, several, several,” Varnell teased. “We aren’t talking specific numbers today. We certainly talked about Pandora and Promethea today, and you’ve seen some very teasy screenshots and some other places that are on other planets [in trailers]. I won’t name them or enumerate them for you yet. But there are multiple planets that you can visit, multiple other locations that you can travel to and see. So you are in control of some galaxy hopping.”

Wednesday’s livestream event also gave us a look at the first live gameplay of Borderlands 3. Among other things, the developer showed off a few new traversal tools at players’ disposal, such as the ability to sprint-slide or climb up ledges. Gearbox also confirmed that, unlike previous installments, Borderlands 3 is being developed on Unreal Engine 4.

Borderlands 3 is launching for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 13. The PC version will initially be exclusive to the Epic Games Store until April 2020, after which point it’ll expand to other digital storefronts. However, the exclusivity period was met with backlash from fans, and users on Steam responded by review bombing previous Borderlands games. You can read more about the title in our Borderlands 3 pre-order guide.

from GameSpot – Game News

PS Plus May 2019: New Free PS4 Games Announced (US, UK)

A new month means new PS4 freebies for PlayStation Plus, and while Sony’s premium subscription service has had some rough patches recently–the free monthly giveaways stopped including PS3 and Vita titles in March, and April’s two PS4 offerings weren’t particularly exciting–May is bringing some exciting titles to the table. May’s free PS Plus games are Overcooked and What Remains of Edith Finch, and if you don’t already own these excellent titles, you’ll definitely want to grab them when they become available May 7.

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Overcooked is a co-op party game where you and up to three friends work together in a kitchen to prepare meals–sounds simple and wholesome, right? Now throw in kitchen fires, shifting floors, mischievous mice that steal your food, and an accelerating warning beep that signals you have only seconds to grab your food before it burns. Overcooked is a stressful ride that may or may not ruin your friendships, but it’s also thrilling and makes you feel truly accomplished when you clear a level with high stars. The game earned an 8/10 in GameSpot’s Overcooked review:

“Overcooked contains all the necessary ingredients for a truly excellent co-op game,” wrote critic Scott Butterworth. “Stress is always balanced out by feelings of accomplishment and progression, and its gameplay requires a mix of smart planning, consistent communication, and some level of dexterity to execute plans effectively.”

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Fans of story-driven games will be pleased to see What Remains of Edith Finch in May’s PS Plus lineup. The visually stunning game is rooted in exploration and story, and it’s suspenseful without stretching into horror, like indie classic Gone Home. The story follows Edith as she returns to her family home where three generations of relatives have perished in various tragic accidents. The game made our top 10 list back in 2017 and earned a 9/10 in GameSpot’s What Remains of Edith Finch review.

“Developer Giant Sparrow managed to strike the delicate balance between joy and sorrow in 2012’s The Unfinished Swan, but What Remains of Edith Finch transcends even the latent sadness of that game, finding the beauty–even sometimes the fun–in what’s always fundamentally a tragedy. It’s not often that a game’s plot slips past the bitterness of grief to finally get to the acceptance, but that’s the triumph in What Remains of Edith Finch,” wrote critic Justin Clark.

Because May starts on a Wednesday this year (and PS Plus games always become available on the first Tuesday of the month), April’s free games are still available for one more week, so be sure to grab The Surge and Conan Exiles before May 7 if you’re interested in owning those games.

April 2019 free PS Plus games (available May 7)

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Borderlands 3 Gameplay Details: New Weapons, Sliding, And More

Borderlands 3 has now had its first gameplay debut in a special stream presentation, shedding a ton of new light on the long-awaited sequel.

To start, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford and creative director Paul Sage were sure to note that everything we were seeing was rendered in Unreal Engine 4, but the transition hasn’t lost the iconic Borderlands style–or the inclusion of Claptrap to kick off the proceedings. This story revolves around a new faction on Pandora, a cult called the Children of the Vault. Lilith, the Siren from the previous games, is heading up the Crimson Raiders and attempting to investigate the cult.

Speaking of Sirens, the demo starred Amara, the Siren warrior. After a visit to a Quick Recharge station to check customization options, Amara is off and running with a helpful new traversal tool. The Vault Hunters can now sprint-slide or hop over ledges.

The new Vault Hunters have a variety of new combat tools as well. Guns will sometimes offer multiple firing modes, like a Vladof pistol that can swap between semi-auto mode or a bunch of “micro-missiles.” Similarly, some elemental weapons can swap between elements. The demo also showed cover being destroyed, and explosive barrels can be propelled toward enemies with melee attacks. Plus environmental hazards can be impacted by elements, like oil catching fire or water conducting electricity. You can also revive NPCs, and the favor goes both ways.

In the story, Amara quickly butts heads with the leader of the cult, Shiv. He captures Claptrap, forcing you to take up a shield and get into a melee fight with him. Gearbox promised bigger bosses that will require some more coordination to beat as well. Once Shiv has been taken down, Lilith appeared and explained that she’s looking for a key that will lead to vaults on other worlds.

We also got a closer look at Amara’s skill tree. It’s very similar to the other Borderlands games, with three branching skill trees and one powerful action skill. Each character can choose one action skill to equip, besides Zane who can equip a second by opting out of grenades. Amara’s three action skills are Phaseslam, Phasegrasp, and Phasecast–in the demo, they selected the AOE ability Phaseslam. This time some skills will also have optional augments and modifiers, like an electric Phaseslam.

From there the demonstration transitioned to co-op play. Everyone receives their own stream of loot, and a level balancing tool keeps everyone fighting enemies and receiving loot at their own level. This feature is called “Loot Instancing,” according to Gearbox. If you prefer it to work like the older Borderlands games instead, you can turn these options off and play using the “Classic Mode” setting.

The co-op partner chose to play as Zane, and Gearbox showed off his own skill tree as well. He can make a digital copy of himself called a Digiclone, and swap places with it at will. He can also create an autonomous Sentinel robot or summon a barrier shield.

During the gameplay showcase, Gearbox showed off a new feature that makes Borderlands 2’s disposable guns a little more useful. Now, when thrown away, they can some strange properties. One gun became a bouncy ball that hurt enemies on impact–and also was sentient. Another became a turret, while a third turned into homing rockets.

In co-op, the partners went to the cult’s Holy Recruitment Center to take on another boss called Mouthpiece–the head of the Children of the Vault’s propaganda operation. True to his theme, his weapon is sound, and when defeated the players received a unique gun that shoots soundwaves. At that point, the demo showed a short introduction to the chief antagonists, the Calypso Twins: Troy and Tyreen.

Finally, the demo showed off Sanctuary, your customizable home away from home. Sanctuary is a ship that hops between planets and serves as your base. You can put your favorite guns on display, recover lost loot that you may not have been able to pick up earlier, visit Moxxi’s bar, open Gold Key chests, chat to Tannis, or do business with merchants like Marcus and Crazy Earl. Hammerlock has his own trophy room, where your most important kills are showcased, and Maya is also knocking about too.

The demo then took us to Promethea, the neon city that serves as home to the Atlas Corporation. Two players showcased how co-op plays and, as you can imagine, it was a chaotic mix of explosions, abilities, and loot gathering. A new NPC called Lorelei was guiding the players, and she’s a character that Gearbox said players will spend a lot of time with.

Borderlands 3 is coming on September 13 to PC via Epic Store, PS4, and Xbox One. Check out our pre-order guide for more details.

from GameSpot – Game News

New Amazon Prime Free PC Games Revealed For May 2019

If you like checking out new, creative indie games on PC–and especially like it when they’re free–then you’ll want to keep an eye Amazon Prime’s monthly game giveaways for Twitch Prime members. Last month, Twitch Prime members were able to claim four games–Her Story, Inner Space, Joggernauts, and Keep in Mind: Remastered–at no cost, and for May, Amazon is kicking up that number to five games. Take a look at the new freebies below.

Whispering Willows

First up is Whispering Willows, an indie horror adventure where you play as a young girl named Elena who’s searching for her missing father. Elena has a pendant she can use to project her spirit outside her body, travel through walls, and control various objects in the surrounding environment to solve puzzles. Then there’s Stealth Bastard Deluxe, which is, as the name implies, a stealth game where you control a clone making his escape from a hazardous testing facility. Also included is The Little Acre, a point-and-click adventure with gorgeous hand-drawn visuals that tells the story of a father and daughter who travel to a strange new world.

Majesty 2

Finally, you’ve got both Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim and its sequel, Majesty 2. In these real-time strategy games, you play as the sovereign ruler of a fantasy kingdom, where you can construct and enhance buildings, hire heroes to handle various tasks, and offer rewards to gain their cooperation.

In addition to free games, Twitch also offers free in-game loot on a monthly basis. This month, the offers will include free loot for League of Legends, StarCraft II, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and World of Tanks. Plus, in case you haven’t heard: You can get a year of Nintendo Switch Online for free if you’re a Prime member.

You have through May 31 to download Twitch’s new freebies, and once you do, they’re yours to keep. To claim the free games and loot, you have to be an Amazon Prime member and make sure your Amazon account is linked to Twitch. After the free 30-day trial, an Amazon Prime membership costs $119 per year; if you’re a student, that price drops to $59 per year.


How to link an existing Amazon Prime account to Twitch »

Twitch Prime Free PC Games for May 2019

  • Whispering Willows
  • Stealth Bastard Deluxe
  • The Little Acre
  • Majesty 1
  • Majesty 2

from GameSpot – Game News

Free Shiny Pokemon For Let’s Go Pikachu And Eevee Available Next Week

The Pokemon Company regularly gives away free Pokemon for the series’ 3DS installments, but fans in the US will soon have their first chance to get some for Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee. Beginning next Saturday, May 11, The Pokemon Company is distributing a free Shiny Pikachu and Shiny Eevee for the Switch games. Here’s how you can claim one.

The free Pokemon will be available around the country at Target stores. Once the event is underway, players will be able to head to a participating store and, using a new free phone app called Pokemon Pass (which is available to download now from Google Play and the App Store), scan a QR code to receive a download code for the free Pokemon. Those with a copy of Let’s Go Pikachu will receive a Shiny Eevee, while those with Let’s Go Eevee will get Shiny Pikachu.

Once you’ve claimed the download code, you’ll need to input it in the Switch titles to receive the Pokemon. To do this, first select Mystery Gift from the games’ main menu, then choose the option to receive your gift with a code/password. Input the download code you received and follow the remaining prompts to download your free Shiny Pokemon. You’ll then need to pick it up from the deliveryman waiting inside any Pokemon Center.

The free Shiny Pikachu and Eevee will be available until June 23, so if you’re hoping to add one to your collection, your best bet is to act quickly. In the meantime, you can still get a Shiny Meltan in the Let’s Go titles. The special Mythical Pokemon is appearing in Pokemon Go again until May 5, and if you capture one, you can transfer it to either of the Switch games. For more details, check out our guide on how to catch Shiny Meltan.

Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee launched for Switch last November and have quickly become two of the console’s best-selling games, moving a combined 10 million copies worldwide. A new pair of Pokemon RPGs, Sword and Shield, are also on the way to Switch later this year and take players to a new region called Galar, which is home to an assortment of new and returning Pokemon. You can read more about the titles in our roundup of everything we know so far about Pokemon Sword and Shield.

from GameSpot – Game News

Ghost Recon Wildlands Operation Oracle Adds New Story Content

A new update will bring a set of fresh missions to Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Operation Oracle, the third-person, co-op shooter’s latest update, arrives at the beginning of May and also comes with two unique rewards for those that successfully pull of the new missions.

Operation Oracle lands on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on May 2. It will introduce two new missions, playable in solo or co-op, to extract a Skell Tech engineer arrested by Unidad. Here, you’ll also meet a fellow Ghost Team Leader, Major Cole D. Walker, who’s a little shiftier than your average Ghost. You can watch the reveal trailer below.

Operation Oracle is accessible immediately after finishing Wildlands’ first mission. Head to Montuyoc, marked on the game’s TacMap, to start the operation. Once finished, you’ll earn two unique rewards: Walker’s Bracelet (which equips a new CQC Finisher) and Walker’s Tattoo, for added style points.

In preparation for Operation Oracle, Wildlands will be free to play from Thursday, May 2 to Sunday, May 5. Everything, including Operation Oracle, will be accessible during the free play weekend. PC and PS4 owners can pre-load the game on May 1, and all progress will carry over to those who purchase the full game.

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Operation Oracle also implements a host of performance-related fixes. You can read the full patch notes below.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

PvE/General Fixes

Guerrilla Mode

  • Improved Guerrilla mode’s matchmaking process, which launched sessions after a friend joined a player in Matchmaking search before four players were present.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the game would start without forming a full squad in public matchmaking.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the player would not be moved to the lobby after accepting an invitation.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the player would not win the Cosmetic Rewards if they left before the Victory Score screen.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where AI teammate’s customization would reset after entering a new session.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where you could unequip the mission.
  • Fixed an audio issue in Guerrilla mode when the Game Lost Score screen is shown.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where vehicles with dead NPCs in them would not despawn at the end of a wave.
  • Fixed an issue where the last NPC enemy of Guerrilla mode would despawn immediately after killing him.
  • Improved replication issues present in Guerrilla mode during co-op sessions.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where a Game Over can be triggered without the timer being displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where some skills bonuses could be canceled by changing the difficulty during a Guerrilla mode session.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the shopkeeper’s subtitles and voice over would be cut off due to the ending screen.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where enemy alert levels would downgrade to Undetected / Suspicious under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where all weapons and attachments bought in Guerrilla mode appeared as “New” in the main game afterward.
  • Fixed an issue preventing to unlock Survivor pants and Survivor shirt cosmetic items in Ghost Mode after winning Guerrilla mode.

All Platforms

  • Fixed an issue with the M110 Bullet Drop being too strong.
  • Removed the requirement to complete Silent Spade and Snafu missions to unlock the Mission Master trophy.
  • Fixed a localization issue where there was no spacing between Continue Campaign text for Asian localizations.
  • [SILENT SPADE] Fixed an issue with Kozak where he would slide away when a user shoots him while he is giving his briefing.
  • Fixed an issue with the Buchon Marcus Jensen causing him to have the wrong animation in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue where completing all Main Game missions showed only 98% completion.


  • Improved performance when using Nvidia Ansel with Nvidia driver 418.91.
  • Fixed an issue in Ghost mode where weapons switch back to default between play sessions.
  • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where subtitles would only show for the host of a party in a co-op session.

Store and Items

  • Fixed a visual issue with the ACU shirt clipping with female character costume parts.
  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive their bonus XP from XP boosters.
  • The Night Vision effect from Fast Panoramic NVGs, Fast Special NVGs, and High Cut Spec. NVGs no longer use the old Night Vision (Green) filter, instead of using the newer (yellow) filter.
  • The AOR1 camo now uses more authentic colors/patterns.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hiking backpack would clip with the Molle vest and Crossdraw vests.
  • Fixed several issues present with the Gorka outfit.
  • Fixed a customization issue with the Crossdraw vest clipping with female characters.
  • Fixed a clipping issue with the Gunfighter Jacket and ACU shirt clipping with pants.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mic Drop emote where the syringe was stuck in the character’s wrist.
  • Fixed an issue with the Heavy Riot Control vest not showing the patches on its shoulder pads.
  • Fixed an issue on some vests where the ammunition was following the player’s movements rather than the vest itself.
  • Fixed an issue forbidding the player from buying Crates & Boosters in DLCs.


All Platforms

  • Limited the number of simultaneous mines deployable by the Sapper’s drone to 3.
  • Reduced the health of Sapper’s drones to bring it more in line with the drones used by Medic and Guerrilla classes.
  • Fixed an issue in Ghost War allowing an exploit (known as Crouch-run) by using emotes and Pistol-specific abilities.
  • Fixed several collision issues on several PvP maps.


  • Improved the ping function in Ghost War where spamming the Ping input caused high ping conditions.

from GameSpot – Game News