Gaming News

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Won’t Have Battle Royale Mode

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 launched with Blackout, Treyarch’s foray into the massively popular battle royale genre. Though the genre is rife with potential, it’s steadily becoming oversaturated with content, something developer Infinity Ward seems to be aware of. As it stands, Infinity Ward is uninterested in a battle royale mode for the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Joe Cecot, Infinity Ward’s multiplayer design director, told IGN that Black Ops 4 and Modern Warfare are different vibes, saying the studio is honing in on the core multiplayer experience. “[We’re] big fans of battle royale. We’re excited for large player counts and things like that, but right now we’re really focused on core multiplayer.”

So it seems Modern Warfare will feature nothing similar to Black Ops 4’s Blackout. Cecot explained, saying, “We really focused on Modern Warfare, authentic and gritty, realistic weapons and it’s a different experience. It’s really… just about pulling back to Modern Warfare and keeping that pure.”

Currently, Modern Warfare’s largest player count is found in Ground War, which supports up to 40 players. When the reboot launches this October, however, the plan is for Ground War to support more than 100 players in a single match. The new Gunfight mode is Modern Warfare’s smallest player count, featuring 2v2 battles reliant on skill and tactical positioning.

Starting in September, Infinity Ward will host private and public betas for Modern Warfare. Scheduled exclusively for those who pre-order on PS4, the first round kicks off on September 12 and 13. The second round, available to all PS4 owners, will run from September 14-16. Those who pre-order on PC and Xbox One can play between September 19-20. It all culminates to the final beta, accessible to anyone with internet access, which is scheduled to run between September 21-23.

from GameSpot – Game News

New Rainbow Six Siege Y4S3 Operators Possibly Leaked

It appears yet another leak for a Ubisoft game has made its way onto the internet. This time it’s for Rainbow Six Siege and the rumored Operators scheduled to release for the game’s Year 4 Season 3 expansion.

Two pieces of concept art for Siege’s next two Operators have leaked onto Reddit. On ResetEra, user Kormora–a reliable Siege leaker according to VG247–has confirmed the leaked images are legitimate and do showcase Year 4 Season 3’s two Operators. Both Operators seems to hail from, or at least work out of, South America.

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The first appears to be some kind of demolitions expert and the second looks like an adventurous archaeologist. Both roles would fit with an earlier leak that revealed the gadgets for Siege’s next two Operators: one would carry a deployable shield that would release combustible canisters and the other would be armed with a grappling hook that would allow them to climb up through hatches on the ceiling. Both gadgets sound like something that an explosives expert and tomb raider would use.

A popular limited-time mode in Rainbow Six Siege, Outbreak, is being expanded into a full-fledged game called Rainbow Six Quarantine. Unlike Siege, which is primarily co-op PvP, Quarantine is a co-op PvE game. Outbreak saw several members of Team Rainbow break off from hunting terrorists to be part of a special task force–led by FBI agent Eliza “Ash” Cohen–to combat and cure a virus that was mutating humans into zombie-like creatures. Quarantine seems to pick up where Outbreak left off, but Ubisoft hasn’t confirmed story details for the new game. Rainbow Six Quarantine is scheduled to launch in early 2020, specifically before March 31.

Until then, Siege continues to be a popular co-op first-person shooter, with regular updates rebalancing Operators and creating a better experience with additional gameplay features. In GameSpot’s Rainbow Six Siege review, Scott Butterworth wrote, “My experiences weren’t always perfect, but when Siege works, there’s nothing else like it. It’s not designed to appeal to all players, and that’s exactly what allows it to be something special. With so much strategic depth, those periods between firefights actually become some of the most rewarding, while firefights themselves are made all the more intense by the knowledge that you’re fighting for your life, not just your kill/death ratio.”

from GameSpot – Game News

New Guilty Gear Game Revealed At EVO 2019

Arc System Works blessed the fighting game community with a brief look at a brand new Guilty Gear game. During EVO 2019, which took place from August 2-4 in Las Vegas, the Japanese developer unveiled Guilty Gear 2020 with a teaser trailer, expected to launch sometime next year for unspecified platforms.

The trailer, below, shows some gorgeous visuals as the fight between series mainstays–Ky Kiske and Sol Badguy–transitions between 2.5D and 3D, and back again. It seems Arc Systems Works is experimenting with new camera systems to make battles more cinematic. Just before the trailer wraps up, we get a glimpse of what seems to be a new character: an African American male with dreadlocks and two katanas. He looks like a cross between Afro Samurai and legendary two-sword samurai Musashi Miyamoto.

No other information about the new fighting game is available. However, Arc System Works’ Team Red division is developing the project, with Daisuke Ishiwatari (Sol Badguy’s in-game voice actor) leading the charge. The last entry in the long-running fighting game franchise, Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2, launched in May 2017.

Guilty Gear 2020 wasn’t the only announcement during the Evolution Championship Series. SNK pulled back the curtain on The King of Fighters XV, which is now in development. SoulCalibur VI will see Cassandra join its roster, with Samurai Shodown‘s Haohmaru sharpening his sword for Season 2. Though leaked, Street Fighter V will soon get a bevy of DLC characters added to its roster. And one of Arc System Works other fighter games, Dragon Ball FighterZ, has a new character entering the fray soon in the form of Janemba.

from GameSpot – Game News

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