
Super Mario Odyssey’s Labo VR Mode Shown Off In New Screenshots

Nintendo is launching its first virtual reality headset (of sorts) this month in the form of the new Labo VR kit. Not only do the included VR Googles allow you to experience Labo minigames in virtual reality, they will be compatible with two of Switch’s biggest games, Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, following free updates for both titles later this month.

Ahead of the updates, Nintendo has revealed a few more details–as well as a handful of new screenshots–for Super Mario Odyssey’s upcoming VR mode on the game’s official Japanese Twitter account (via Siliconera). The VR mode will take the form of three “mini missions” set in the Cap, Seaside, and Luncheon Kingdoms, with the main objective being to collect coins and music notes.

The notes will be scattered throughout each kingdom, and when you collect enough of them, you’ll obtain different musical instruments that you can then give to NPCs to assemble a band. Once all of the performers have received an instrument, you’ll be able to watch a special concert in the Metro Kingdom. You can take a look at some new screenshots of the mode below.

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Both Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be updated to support the Labo VR Goggles on April 25. While the former will receive a dedicated VR mode, the latter will be entirely playable in VR (with the exception of pre-rendered cutscenes). You’ll be able to toggle the option on or off at any time from the game’s menu, and you won’t need to create a new file in order to play it in VR.

The Nintendo Labo VR kit launches on April 12 and will be available in two configurations. The full suite will retail for $80, while the starter set–which includes the Labo VR software and the materials to make the VR Goggles and Blaster Toy-Con–will cost $40. The remaining Toy-Cons can be purchased in $20 expansion sets. You can read our impressions of the Labo VR kit here.

from GameSpot – Game News

Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1 Patch Notes: Arc Super Changes, Drop Rate Tweaks, And New Exotic Catalysts

One of the events detailed on Bungie’s content calendar for the Jokers Wild expansion and Season of the Drifter is Arc Week, an event that’s never been in Destiny 2 before. Last week, Bungie explained what Arc Week actually is–a week dedicated to Guardians’ Arc-based subclasses that sees them being amped-up, all at once. With its latest patch, Destiny 2’s Arc Week is officially underway, but Update 2.2.1 also brings a host of other changes that should make life a little easier for Destiny players.

The Arc subclass changes are some of the most significant in the patch, to be sure, as Bungie’s patch notes show. Each increases the effectiveness of perks, abilities, and Supers for each character class. The durations of just about every Arc ability has been lengthened, which should make all the classes a lot more fun to play with. If you haven’t messed around with an Arc Super ability in a while, this week is definitely the time.

In keeping with the Arc theme, Bungie is also bringing back the quest to unlock the Exotic Arc machine gun Thunderlord. The quest became available last fall during the Festival of the Lost, but ended soon after, forcing players to rely on random drops to get the machine gun if they’d missed it. If you’re still Thunderlord-less, though, you can start the quest during Arc Week and finally get a lightning-spitting Exotic of your own. Use our guide to get you started.

Another big change in Update 2.2.1 is the addition of new Exotic catalysts. These are special drops related to Exotic weapons that increase they’re capabilities, making them even better than they are when you first get them. All the catalysts currently in the game require quite a bit of grinding, but the rewards are usually worth it. Bungie’s latest update brings four new catalysts to the game, for Hard Light, Rat King, The Prospector, and Suros Regime. The first three have a chance to come as rewards for regular Strikes and Nightfall Strikes; the last comes from Crucible matches.

For players chasing special rewards and Triumphs, Update 2.2.1 also has some major quality-of-life changes. It increases the drop rates for many special rewards, like the ship, Sparrow, and ghost shell that come from completing activities in the Dreaming City. Those items are tied to completing Destiny 2’s Seals, a set of major accomplishments that hardcore players chase. These changes should make completing several a few Seals quite a bit less punishing.

You can read the full patch notes below.

Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1 Patch Notes



Striker—Code of the Juggernaut

  • Frontal Assault:
    • Buff duration increased from 10 to 16 seconds
    • Buff timer is now displayed on the HUD
    • Buff now increases weapon damage
      • 25% in PvE
      • 20% in PvP
  • Knockout:
    • Buff duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
    • Buff is no longer disabled after a melee attack
    • In addition to breaking a shield, buff now triggers once you deal 60% damage to a target
      • Any damage dealt after 60% refreshes the timer
    • Increased bonus melee damage from 25% to 60%

General bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where Titans using Code of the Missile could perform the wrong melee


Arcstrider—Way of the Warrior

  • Combination Blow:
    • Bonus melee damage can now be stacked 3 times
      • Buff increases melee damage by 60% per stack in PvE
      • Buff increases melee damage by 22.7% per stack in PvP
      • This ability was previously 1 stack and increased melee damage by 50%
    • Kills with this ability now heal 40 health in addition to starting health regen
  • Deadly Reach:
    • Increased buff duration from 6 to 8 seconds
    • Buff is no longer consumed by a melee hit

Arcstrider—Way of the Wind

  • Disorienting Blow:
    • Increased the melee disorient distance from 4 meters to 6 meters
    • Increased duration of disorient on players from 1.5 to 2 seconds
  • Focused Breathing:
    • Increased dodge recharge bonus while sprinting from 50% to 100%
  • Combat Meditation:
    • Increased bonus grenade and melee regeneration while bloodied by 25%
  • Lightning Reflexes:
    • Increased damage resistance while dodging from 25% to 40% in PvP
    • Increased damage resistance while dodging from 63% to 70% In PvE


General Arc Changes

  • Stormcaller Super
    • Damage scales up to 150% over 5 seconds of continuous use of the attack
    • Updated FX and audio to support this functionality

Stormcaller—Attunement of Conduction

  • Chain Lightning Melee
    • Can now chain up to 5 times, up from 1, and each individual target can be hit twice
    • Chain damage decreased from 50 to 31 damage per hit
  • Arc Web
    • Increase chain range from 10 meters to 12 meters
    • Can now chain to many more targets, and back and forth between targets
    • Chaining Arc damage now reduces the cooldown of your grenade
      • Works with Arc Web chains and chains from Chain Lightning melee
      • Earn 3% energy per instance of damage in PvE
      • Earn 10% energy per instance of damage in PvP

Stormcaller—Attunement of the Elements

  • Electrostatic Surge:
    • Increased bonus regeneration rate of Rift by 600% per nearby friendly Guardian
    • Added a UI notification when the buff is active
    • Now extends Rift duration from 15 to 20 seconds
  • Arc Soul:
    • Extended duration from 8 to 12 seconds.

Voidwalker Nova Warp

  • Reduced initial charged detonation energy cost by 20%
  • Reduced energy cost of holding the charged detonation by 7%
  • Reduced time required to fully charge the charged detonation from 0.9 seconds to 0.7 seconds
  • Reduced Dark Blink cost by 20%
  • Increased base Super duration from 18 seconds to 22 seconds

Dawnblade Everlasting Fire

  • Tuned the amount of Super gained from Everlasting Fire
    • Initial return increased from 10% to 13%
    • Return then decays linearly over the course of 30 kills from 13% to 0.75% returned per kill

Abilities Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Warlock ability “Bloom” was not dealing any damage
  • Improved consistency of Handheld Supernova
  • Fixed a bug in which canceling Blade Barrage allows players to traverse across the map


Weapon Changes

  • The Last Word
    • Added a timer to the Fan Fire perk
  • The Wardcliff Coil
    • Reduced PvE damage by 25% against bosses and vehicles

General Weapon Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a material on Coldheart that was no longer shiny
  • Fixed an issue where ready audio on Veist Submachine Guns was not playing on PS4
  • Updated the Meganeura perk’s description to be more accurate
  • Fixed an issue where Grenade Launcher initial ammo had been unintentionally reduced
  • Fixed an issue bug where the Powerful Statement ornament was visible in Loaded Question’s ornament socket before it had been obtained
  • Fixed an issue where Thorn dismantled faster than other Exotic weapons
  • Fixed an issue where the ATB Long Range scope was erroneously highlighting enemies when equipped on the Long Shadow Sniper Rifle
  • The Recluse now appears in Collections only when it has been obtained to match the behavior of other pinnacle PvP weapons
  • Fixed an issue that caused poor scope behavior on the Prospector’s ornament “Caution: Heavy Machinery”
  • Fixed an issue where Wish-Ender did not highlight targets while user was invisible
  • Fixed an issue where Jötunn was recorded as a Scout Rifle
  • Fixed an issue where the Vow could not be infused above 650
  • Fixed an issue where the accuracy ring was not visible on the reticle of Linear Fusion Rifles when using a controller on PC


Armor Bug fixes

  • Using Getaway Artist with Storm Grenades now correctly spawns a super-charged Arc soul
  • Crown of Tempests once again works with Ball Lightning
  • Stronghold will no longer drain heavy ammo while guarding with Black Talon



  • Increased drop rate of items in the Last Wish Raid
    • One Thousand Voices: 5% → 10%
    • Glittering Key: 5% → 20%
      • Used to acquire Last Wish ship “Ermine TAC-717”
    • Wish-Maker Shell (Last Wish Ghost Shell): 2% → 20%
    • Cleansing Knife (Last Wish Sparrow): 5% → 20%
  • Increased drop rate of items in the Dreaming City
    • Pallas Galliot (Dreaming City Ship): 2% → 20%
    • Starlight Shell (Dreaming City Ghost Shell): 2% → 20%
    • Silver Tercel (Dreaming City Sparrow): 5% → 20%
  • Increased drop rate of Lore Books
    • Cayde’s Stash Lore
      • Cayde treasure map chests: 40% → 100%
      • Planetary chests: 4% → 50%
    • Dreaming City Lore
      • Public event completed: 2.5% → 50%
      • Ascendant challenge completed: 2.5% → 100%
      • Blind Well completed (Tier 1–3): 5% → 50%
      • Lost Sector completed: 1.25% → 100%
      • The Marasenna lore book was missing two entries: Revanche I and Palingenesis III; these entries now unlock after you unlock all other entries.
    • Tangled Shore Lore
      • While Tangled Shore is the Flashpoint
      • Public event completed: 6.5% → 50%
      • Heroic adventure completed: 16% → 50%
      • Lost Sector completed: 3% → 50%
  • Gunsmith reputation packages now only reward Gunsmith Weapons
  • Four new Exotic weapon catalysts are now available to drop in Nightfall, strikes, and the Crucible
    • Prospector (Nightfall, strikes)
    • Rat King (Nightfall, strikes)
    • Hard Light (Nightfall, strikes)
    • SUROS Regime (Crucible)
  • Xûr’s inventory now offers random rolled perks for armor
  • Fated Engrams from Xûr now have the chance to reward Forsaken Exotics


  • Power Surge Bounties that have expired or been deleted are now available on the Drifter, though each bounty can still be completed only once per character
  • Power Surge Bounties now specify “Requires Annual Pass and Level 50” if either requirement is not met
  • Reaping in the Wilds Gambit Prime bounty now progresses from all high-value targets in free roam
  • Players who sided with the Vanguard on the Allegiance quest can now also bank Motes in normal Gambit to progress on the Prime Research quest step
  • Quest progress for the Survival Guide or Hidden Messages quest steps will now re-initialize properly; if you are stuck on these quest steps, you should abandon them and pick them up again from the Drifter to update the “tapes discovered” count
  • The weekly lockout reset for Invitations of the Nine has been moved to Thursday Reset (1700 UTC); players will now have two extra days to complete them before being locked out of a new Invitation the following Friday
  • Lost Sector Gambit Prime bounty now progresses from all Lost Sectors
  • All four weekly role bounties for Gambit Prime now grant powerful head rewards
  • Yes Sir, I’m A Closer weekly Gambit Prime bounty now awards 4 points for a win and 2 points for a loss, with a completion value of 20 points


  • Ada-1 will now offer all seven weapon frames each week
  • Players can still complete only two powerful frames each week, at which point remaining frames are removed until weekly reset
  • Fixed an issue where players could acquire pinnacle weapons once per character; pinnacle weapons are meant to be acquired only once per account
  • Drifter’s weekly role bounties will now properly count Motes wagered in the Reckoning when the Mote is a lower tier than the activity itself
  • Gambit Prime now counts to unlock the weekly Gambit clan engram
  • When recycling Synths at the Drifter, the error “Your Glimmer is full” will now be properly displayed on all four Synths
  • Fixed an issue with the Sentry emblem where killing Giant Blockers wasn’t incrementing the “Blockers killed” stat
  • Fixed an issue where the Gambit Prime weekly challenge didn’t display completion in the UI


  • Fixed an issue where Triumphs from previous seasons were counting Glory Win Streaks in the current season
  • Fixed an issue where the Triumph “The Best Offense” was not giving credit for all orbs generated
  • The Haul Triumphs “Greater Powers” and “IX” can now be completed and will initialize for players who have already completed them as soon as they enter Orbit


  • Arsenic Bite now drops with random rolls; removed Vestian Dynasty from the general loot pool
  • Fixed an issue where the BrayTech RWP Mk. II could not be infused above 600
  • Increased drop rate of Polestar II Ghost Shell from 1% to 4%
  • Fixed an issue where Obsidian Crystal would sometimes not drop from the Unidentified Frame quest step



  • Reckoning Tier 2 and Tier 3 boss kills now always have a chance to award a Gambit Prime weapon
  • Chances for weapon rewards increase each time a boss is killed without a weapon drop
  • Players near the bank should no longer be able to see waypoints until they jump through the portal
    • When players jump through the portal, they should be placed in one of three active locations:
      • Anytime before players begin capturing the bridge: over the horde mode area
      • Anytime after players begin capturing the bridge, before they fully capture the bridge: at the beginning of the bridge
      • After players fully capture the bridge and begin the boss fight: at the end of the bridge
  • Fixed an issue where the Tier 1 Deceived Nokris was not summoning its Taken Warbeasts

Gambit Prime

  • Some Reckoning weapons now have a chance to drop as match completion rewards from Gambit Prime
  • Chances increase after each Gambit Prime match without a weapon drop
  • An invasion kill now heals 8% of the Primeval’s health, down from 12%
  • The invasion portal cooldown time during the Primeval phase has been increased to 40 seconds, up from 30 seconds
  • This cooldown triggers after a player has been killed or successfully returns from an invasion
  • Fixed an issue where all Gambit medals that shipped in Forsaken were not displaying in the HUD when players earned them in Prime
  • Fixed an issue where the Primeval Hobgoblin was not functioning properly in Gambit Prime
  • Boss reintroduced to Gambit Prime
  • Fixed an issue where killing players in subsequent Wells of Light would unintentionally count towards earning the “Well Well Well” medal
  • Fixed on issue on Deep Six and New Arcadia where the Ascendant Primeval Servitor wasn’t summoning Immunity Blights
  • The Burrow front on Six Deep had some minor adjustments to reduce combatant/environment collisions


  • High-value targets now have a chance to spawn during the first round of a Gambit match; the chance for the HVT to spawn in the second round has been increased
  • Private Matches: Sudden Death can now be enabled or disabled via the Rounds to Win options
  • Fixed an issue where the “Open 24/7” medal could be acquired during a Sudden Death round of Gambit
  • Fixed an issue where the “Rainmaker” medal could be acquired during a Sudden Death round of Gambit
  • Gambit intro cinematics now run at unlocked framerates on PC
  • Fixed an issue where Scorn Captain’s immunity totems were not properly shielding combatants
  • Fixed an issue where Drifter was announcing “Portal’s Up” after the round had ended
  • Reduced the number of required Blockers to send for the Taken Herder, Shepard, and Whisperer Triumphs
  • Reduced the number of required number of Motes to bank in order to achieve the Protect the Runner Triumphs
  • Fixed an issue where players who are restricted from the Crucible/Gambit due to poor network quality were unable to launch Gambit Private Matches
  • Fixed an issue where Infamy ranks could be repeatedly reset without needing to progress through the ranks between each reset


  • Fixed an issue where the gravlift would sometimes be missing in the Warden of Nothing strike
  • Nightfall tickets now have min/max and +-25 for incrementing power reduction; this will allow players to get to the +100 power reduction easier to increase the score multiplier



  • Fixed an issue where players who are disconnected from Destiny servers could not rejoin games in the Competitive Crucible playlist.

Iron Banner

  • The curated roll “Wizened Rebuke” Fusion Rifle awarded from completing the “Atlas, Unbound” Triumph will now appear in Lord Saladin’s inventory so that players can inspect it prior to acquisition
    • Once earned, the weapon may be viewed in Collections
  • The curated roll “Wizened Rebuke” Fusion Rifle can now be reacquired from Collections for the same cost as other Masterworked, curated roll weapons
  • The Heavy as Iron emblem may be earned when securing 2500 kills under the effects of the Iron Burden
  • Removed ship “Volk-CER” from Collections due to an issue impacting the ship
    • Expect this to return in a future Season


  • Fixed an issue where the architects would sometimes kill Guardians for absolutely no reason in a very specific area of the Dreaming City



  • Fixed an issue where the Taken Hydra rotating shield would flicker when shielded by Taken Goblins
  • Fixed an issue where the Ultra Taken Hobgoblin was using the Swarm attack more frequently than intended



  • Player will now always see equipped titles when inspecting another player
  • The weapon ornament “Powerful Statement” is no longer visible in the socket preview for Loaded Question before being obtained
  • Postmaster “open bundle confirmation” dialogue now shows appropriate strings when it pops up; would previously cause occasional crashes
  • Material cost no longer appears red on vendor tooltips if the item is not purchasable, but you have enough material
  • Fixed the description on some bounties to correctly read ” ability kills” instead of ” kills”



  • Fixed an issue where performance on PC would slowly degrade over time

from GameSpot – Game News

Destiny 2 Ascendant Challenge Week 2 Guide (April 9-16): Where To Go And What To Do

Destiny 2‘s Season of the Drifter is in full swing, and while you might have already fought your way to Thorn, there are new events on their way. This reset marks Arc Week, a full week dedicated to improving the Arc subclasses, and the season is about to see a new spring event called the Revelry. And there’s always that new Power level cap of 700 to try to hit, which is where the weekly Ascendant Challenge and its Powerful gear drop comes in.

This week, the curse has been reset in the Dreaming City, which means the Shattered Throne dungeon is no longer available–a bummer for anybody who needs to finish it to unlock Izanagi’s Burden from The Black Armory. It also brings us back to Week 2’s challenge, which is available for one more day before Tuesday’s weekly reset. Below, you’ll find a complete guide on where you need to go and what to do to complete this week’s bounty to earn Powerful gear.

The Ascendant Challenge always involves you heading through a portal to the Ascendant Plane, but the particulars of what you’re doing are entirely different from week to week. To start out, you’ll need a consumable item called the Tincture of Queensfoil. With a Tincture in hand, make your way to the Garden of Esila area near the southernmost point of the map, as seen in the image below. Consuming the Tincture will provide you with the Ascendance buff that allows to see a Taken portal that’s somewhat hidden on a cliffside. Jump in, and you’ll be teleported to the Ascendant Plane’s Forfeit Shrine.

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Once you’re there, you’ll have to fend off Taken–or just avoid them–while trying to secure three Arc Charges around the area. Once you pick one up, head toward the center starting area, near the giant Blight ball. Walk into the bright point at the bottom to dunk the charge you’re holding. Repeat the process two more times and you’ll receive an endless supply of Super energy that will help you to kill all of the remaining Taken in the area. Once they’re dealt with, you can complete the bounty (netting you Dark Fragments and Powerful gear) and open a chest.

Given that the bounty (not the chest) offers Powerful gear–a reliable way of increasing your Power level–this is an activity you’ll definitely want to take part in once you’re able. But bear in mind it is a challenge, so be sure to come prepared. It can be done solo, but having multiple teammates to grab charges and draw the enemies’ attention can help immensely.

Meanwhile, if you’re hunting still hunting gear in The Black Armory, be sure to check out our guides to getting Izanagi’s Burden and the Jotunn fusion rifle. Also, don’t bother collecting Powerful gear bounties to turn in next week when the new season starts–Bungie is dropping an update that changes things so you can stockpile gear drops for a big boost as soon as the level cap rises. You’ll have to play through Season of the Drifter content like everyone else to raise your level to the new cap.

from GameSpot – Game News

Overwatch “Storm Rising” PvE Event Confirmed

After a few days of teases, Blizzard has further detailed its upcoming Storm Rising event for Overwatch. As expected, this story segment will be the latest rotation of the Overwatch Archives seasonal event, starring a few fan-favorite characters in their younger days for a four-player co-op PvE mission.

You’ll play as Tracer, Genji, Winston, or Mercy as they go after a Talon operative, the Omnic Maximilien. Max is hiding out in Cuba while a storm presses down on the island, and the four heroes need to track him down before he can using the cover of bad weather to escape yet again. Storm Rising will be playable alongside the two returning Archives missions, Uprising and Retribution.

Of course it’s not an Overwatch event without additional cosmetics, and you’ll be able to earn more than 160 spiffy new ones during the event. Storm Rising will run from April 16-May 6, so we’re likely to see some of them teased in the meantime. A video (above) shows off the environment and your target.

The previous teasers already suggested the four-player team would be going after Maximilien, a well-known member of Doomfist’s organization. Today’s announcement doesn’t shed any further light on Sojourn, the mysterious figure who chewed out Commander Morrison (Soldier 76) and authorized the Storm Rising mission. Blizzard appears to be setting up another important story character who may become playable someday, or otherwise factor into the story.

Blizzard has been known to drop hints well in advance of actually introducing new characters, though. Maximilien has already been known in the lore, and Doomfist was mentioned in the very first teaser-trailer for Overwatch, years before he was added to the game. The trailer that accompanied the announcement of Ashe also introduced another upcoming character, Echo. Blizzard says it already has six characters planned out which amounts to “years” of releases. One of those was the recently released Baptiste, so counting Echo that leaves four others still a mystery.

from GameSpot – Game News

Switch’s Second Tetris 99 Tournament Taking Place This Weekend

Nintendo is holding another tournament in Switch’s battle royale-inspired Tetris game, Tetris 99. The second Maximus Cup runs this weekend from April 12-14, with another $10 worth of My Nintendo Gold points at stake. And this time around, you don’t need to be a Tetris master to have a shot at winning.

Unlike the first Maximus Cup, which ranked participants by the number of first-place wins they racked up during the tournament, all players will receive a different amount of points depending on what place they finish during this weekend’s competition. Every 100 points you amass will count as one “Tetris Maximus”–equivalent to a first-place win. You can see the full point breakdown below.

  • 1st Place — 100 points
  • 2nd Place — 50 points
  • 3rd Place — 30 points
  • 4th – 10th Place — 20 points
  • 11th – 30th Place — 10 points
  • 31st – 50th Place — 5 points
  • 51st – 80th Place — 2 points
  • 81st – 99th Place — 0 points

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As before, the top 999 players with the most points during the Maximus Cup will receive 999 My Nintendo Gold points, which can be redeemed for specific rewards on the My Nintendo website–such as discounts on select 3DS or Wii U games–or used to purchase games and DLC from the Switch Eshop. Gold points can typically only be earned by buying Switch titles, so if you fancy yourself a good Tetris player, this is a good chance to earn some free Eshop credit.

The second Maximus Cup begins at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET on April 12 and runs through 11:59 PM PT on April 14 (2:59 AM ET on April 15). Nintendo will notify the winning players via the week of April 28. You can read the full rules on the official Tetris 99 website.

Tetris 99 is free to download, but only for players who subscribe to the Nintendo Switch Online service. Memberships cost $4 USD per month, $8 USD for three months, and $20 USD for 12 months. Nintendo also offers a $35 annual Family Membership that can be shared between eight Nintendo Accounts across multiple Switch consoles.

from GameSpot – Game News

The PlayStation Classic’s Price Just Dropped To $34

Those keeping their eyes on the PlayStation Classic’s ever-dropping price will be interested to know Sony’s mini retro console is now cheaper than ever. Right now, you can pick up the PS Classic for just $34 at Rakuten. It’s currently listed for $40, but if you use the code SAVE15, you’ll get $6 off. Note that you’ll have to create a free Rakuten account to use the coupon code; the site doesn’t allow guest accounts to redeem them.

Buy the PlayStation Classic at Rakuten — $34 with code SAVE15

The PS Classic’s price has dropped consistently since it released December 3, 2018 with a launch price of $100. Since then, its price has fallen to $60, then $40, and now $34. When compared to Nintendo’s NES and SNES Classics, which quickly sold out following their release, the PlayStation Classic has not garnered nearly as much hype, with many fans (including GameSpot’s Peter Brown) feeling it doesn’t match the quality of competing mini retro consoles or do justice to the original PlayStation system, especially for $100.

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“The PS Classic doesn’t feel like a celebration of PlayStation’s formative years the way Nintendo’s systems do,” Brown wrote in our PlayStation Classic review. “Nor is it a smart adaptation of a capable emulator working behind the scenes.”

That said, the console is now nearly 70% cheaper than it was at launch, and $34 may be enough to entice fans with fond memories of the PlayStation to give this mini model a try. As to whether the price will drop again? Only time will tell.

PlayStation Classic Full Game List

  • Battle Arena Toshinden
  • Cool Boarders 2
  • Destruction Derby
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Grand Theft Auto
  • Intelligent Qube
  • Jumping Flash
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Mr Driller
  • Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee
  • Rayman
  • Resident Evil Director’s Cut
  • Revelations: Persona
  • Ridge Racer Type 4
  • Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
  • Syphon Filter
  • Tekken 3
  • Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six
  • Twisted Metal
  • Wild Arms

from GameSpot – Game News

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Logo Is Heavy On The Jedi

Our first look at Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order is days away, with an official reveal planned for Star Wars Celebration. The Celebration panel will take place on April 13, but ahead of that big event the studio and EA have updated the official site with a new look at the game’s logo.

As you might expect, the new logo puts a heavy emphasis on the word “Jedi,” as the order of warrior-monks is one of the most enduring parts of Star Wars pop culture. One of the few details we know about Jedi Fallen Order is that you play as a Padawan–essentially a rookie Jedi–who survived the Emperor’s purge in Revenge of the Sith.

The game is said to be set against a backdrop of a dark time for the galaxy, as the Emperor consolidates his power and any remaining Jedi are hunted down. We don’t have a name or other identifying information about the protagonist, so it’s difficult to say yet how this new story will tie into the main narrative of the saga.

Respawn’s Star Wars game is one of the last remaining in production that we know of from EA, after the publisher canceled Amy Hennig’s Star Wars game and then shuttering an open-world Star Wars project. Respawn itself is having a big year, not only with Jedi Fallen Order slated for this holiday season, but also with the surprise-hit Apex Legends.

For more on Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, check out what we’d like to see from the game.

from GameSpot – Game News

Ubisoft CEO Explains The Wait For A New Splinter Cell Game

It has been more than five years since the release of Splinter Cell: Blacklist, so fans are understandably eager to find out what’s next for Sam Fisher. In a new interview, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot offered an explanation for what’s taking so long to bring the franchise back.

He told IGN that Ubisoft won’t bring back the franchise until it can do something novel with it. Not only that, but some of Ubisoft’s development teams became too anxious to want to work on a new Splinter Cell game due to pressure from fans, Guillemot said. And third, Ubisoft’s other big franchises like Assassin’s Creed are “taking off,” which has led the company to focus on them instead of Splinter Cell.

“When you create a game, you have to make sure you will come with something that will be different enough from what you did before,” Guillemot said. “Last time we did a Splinter Cell, we had lots of pressure from all the fans saying, ‘Don’t change it; don’t do this; don’t do that.’ So some of the teams were more anxious to work on the brand.

“Now there are some things and some people that are now looking at the brand; taking care of the brand. At one point you will see something but I can’t say more than that,” he added. “Also because of Assassin’s Creed and all the other brands taking off, people wanted to work on those brands more. so we have to follow what they like to do.”

Ghost Recon: Wildlands contained a very strong tease for Splinter Cell, with Sam Fisher voice actor Michael Ironside doing the voice in an Easter Egg. A Splinter Cell Easter Egg was also spotted in Ubisoft’s 2019 game Far Cry: New Dawn.

Further fuelling the rumors about a new Splinter Cell is the news that original Splinter Cell designer Clint Hocking has returned to Ubisoft where he is working on “unannounced projects.” Guillemot was asked if Ubisoft might bring back Splinter Cell for the next generation of consoles, which are apparently coming soon, but Guillemot wouldn’t be drawn into that conversation.

If Ubisoft does have a Splinter Cell announcement to make, it could happen during the company’s E3 2019 briefing in June, but nothing is confirmed at this stage.

Back in 2012 it was reported that Tom Hardy would star as Sam Fisher in a Splinter Cell movie, but whether or not that’s still the case is unknown.

What would you like to see from a new Splinter Cell game? Let us know in the comments below!

from GameSpot – Game News

Xbox Game Pass To Announce Six More Games This Week

It looks like Microsoft is gearing up to announced a half-dozen more Xbox Game Pass titles this week. The Xbox Game Pass Twitter account posted a cryptic tweet where it asked, “What if we announced six more games on April 10?”

It would be a bad look to post this tweet and not follow up with new Xbox Game Pass announcements on April 10, so this is pretty much confirmation that it’ll happen. However, there were no teases about what games might be announced.

The latest addition to Xbox Game Pass was Minecraft, which arrived last week and represents one of the catalog’s biggest releases ever.

Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft’s all-you-can-play subscription service on Xbox One that provides members access to a growing catalog of games that users can download and play for as long as their membership remains active. In addition to Minecraft, some of the other marquee titles include Halo 5 and Halo: The Master Chief Collection, as well as Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Just Cause 4, all the Gears of War games, Doom, and more.

The service costs $10 USD/month, but new subscribers can sign up for $1 USD/month. It’s only available on Xbox One, but Microsoft has talked about bringing it to every device.

Xbox Game Pass is separate from Project xCloud, which is Microsoft’s upcoming game-streaming service that will enter public trials later this year.

from GameSpot – Game News

Steam Loses Another Game, Presumably To Epic

Although it hasn’t been confirmed, it looks like Anno 1800 is becoming an Epic Games Store exclusive. Originally scheduled for a Steam release, Anno 1800 will be discontinued on Steam after its release date of April 16.

We’ll update this story when we confirm which PC game store Anno 1800 is going to.

“Sales of Anno 1800 will be discontinued on Steam after April 16th due to a publisher decision to make the game exclusive to another PC store,” a notice on Anno 1800’s Steam page reads. “The publisher has assured us that all prior sales of the game on Steam will be fulfilled on Steam, and Steam owners will be able to access the game and any future updates or DLC through Steam.”

The notice doesn’t list what other store is getting the exclusive, but given what’s happened over the past few months, it makes sense to assume it’s Epic. Since 2018, several titles have left Steam just prior to release and gone to Epic instead. Some games have even been pretty major triple-A titles too, such as Metro Exodus and The Division 2. Prior to Anno 1800, Borderlands 3 was the latest triple-A title to join the Epic Games Store as an exclusive, although it’s only an exclusive for six months as opposed to other titles’ year-long exclusivity.

Also, when Ubisoft announced The Division 2 would be an Epic exclusive, Epic revealed that its partnership with Ubisoft would continue with “additional select titles.” No further details were supplied at the time, but Epic did tease that those titles are all scheduled for release “during the coming year.” Anno 1800 fits that criteria, so it would make sense to see the game launch on Epic come April 16.

There’s been a lot of vocal discontent for games that launch exclusively on Epic, especially if the titles were initially scheduled for release on Steam. After the announcement that Metro Exodus would be leaving Steam for Epic, both Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light were heavily review bombed by players disappointed in the decision. The same happened to Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel after the reveal that Borderlands 3 would be an Epic timed exclusive.

from GameSpot – Game News